Relational Databases Explained How Relational Databases Work. This post talks about how indexes and transactions work on the inside of relational databases. Architecture Databases
Database Sharding Explained More features, active users, and data are collected daily. Your database is slowing your application. Many people don't understand database sharding, which could solve their difficulties. This article explains database sharding, its benefits, including how to use it and when not to. Architecture Databases
Better SQLAlchemy In this article, I will dive into the world of SQLAlchemy, uncovering the best practices for optimizing database interactions in Python applications. From designing efficient data models to managing transactions, I will guide you through a range of techniques that will help you build scalable and high-performing applications. Python Databases Development
Database integration tests with Pytest, SQLAlchemy and Factory Boy with Faker In this little example, I’m going to show a possible procedure to easily test your piece of code that interacts with a database. Python Development Databases
How to delete or remove a MySQL/MariaDB user account on Linux/Unix In this quick tutorial, you will learn how to delete ore remove user account in MySQL or MariaDB database on Linux or Unix-like system. Databases
Advanced SQLAlchemy Features You Need To Start Using If you are Python developer and you work with SQL databases, then SQLAlchemy is most likely a library you are familiar with. It’s a powerful, yet flexible toolkit for working with SQL in Python with lots of features. Some of these features like ORM and basic queries are common knowledge, but there are quite a few features you might not know about and should definitely be taking advantage of. So, let’s se how to leverage things like hybrid properties, nested queries, table metadata, dialects and more! Python Development Databases
Raw SQL vs Query Builder vs ORM After reading this article, you will know when to use raw SQL, a query builder and an ORM. You will also know how to use each of them in Python. All of the code in this article is runnable. You just need to initialize the database and add environment variables. Python Development Databases
How Reset root password in MySQL and MariaDB If you assigned a root password in MySQL or MariaDB previously but have forgotten it, you can assign a new password. The following sections provide generic instructions for that apply to any system. Databases Linux
How To Save MySQL query output to file or export to CSV Answers to a few questions about Mysql or MariaDB databases: How To Save MySQL/MariaDB query output to file or export to CSV? How to list MySQL database table column names without the table formatting? How to log the output from an entire MySQL client session? Databases
phpmyadmin - how recovery error (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' When I try login as a root user to my mariadb (mysql) database in phpmyadmin on my linux debian stretch, I got this error message: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' Debian Linux Databases